• Website for Outliner.md; (2024-05-13)
  • Doc site: Outliner.md docs; (2024-05-13)
  • Support fully outliner support;
    • Drag and drop;
    • Keyboard shortcuts;
    • Custom task group;
    • Better selection; (2024-05-06)
  • Support fully embed content editing; (2024-05-11)
  • Support backlink editing; (2024-05-12)
  • Support note as notebook EN | 中文; (2024-07-21)
    • Better create section behavior; (2024-07-24)
    • Line with section name; (2024-07-24)
  • Support infinite outliner view;
  • Support date filter;
  • Support @ people filter;
  • Print to PDF;
  • Import opml;
  • Kanban/board mode for list;